Getting tested for Hepatitis B is convenient and completely confidential, just 3 steps to regaining your piece of mind, by finding the answers to your questions about Hepatitis B and other STDS from our trained medical professionals.


What is Hepatitis B?

  • Hepatitis B is an infection of the liver caused by the Hepatitis B virus (HBV)
  • Most people infected as adults will recover fully
  • Vaccine available for the infection
  • There are two types of Hepatitis B: acute and chronic
    • Acute Hepatitis B – short-lived
      • Infection lasts less than 6 months.
      • Your body’s immune system is able to rid the virus from your body
      • Complete recovery in a few months
      • Most people who acquire Hepatitis B as an adult acquire acute hepatitis B
      • Most people recover completely
    • Chronic Hepatitis B – long lasting
      • Will have infection for life
      • No cure for Chronic Hepatitis B, manageable with medications
      • Lasts 6 months or longer
      • If your body cannot fight the virus, you may have the infection for life
      • Chronic Hepatitis B can lead to more serious health problems such as liver failure, liver cancer or cirrhosis
      • When an infant or a child is infected with Hepatitis B, it will likely develop into a chronic infection
      • Can go undetected for years, until a person becomes ill with liver problems

What are Hepatitis B Symptoms?

  • Often asymptomatic (showing no signs) or symptoms mimic those of the flu
  • It usually takes HBV 3 weeks to 2 months to show up in the blood.

How is Hepatitis B Transmitted?

  • Hepatitis B is spread through vaginal, anal or oral sex
  • Spread through direct contact with blood, semen or vaginal secretions
  • Spread from sharing needles or accidental needle sticks
  • Spread from mother to baby during delivery
  • Rarely, spread through tattoo needles, body piercing, acupuncture needles, blood transfusions and saliva (through bites)

How do you Test for Hepatitis B?

  • Some tests detect antibodies produced by the body in response to the presence of HBV and other tests detect antigens produced by the HBV virus
  • A simple blood sample is needed to test for Hepatitis B

What are the Complications of Hepatitis B?

  • Prompt diagnosis and treatment can help prevent complications caused by Hepatitis B
  • Serious health complications can occur if the chronic infection is left untreated

How is Hepatitis B Treated?

  • Preventable with a vaccination
  • Acute Hepatitis B
    • No treatment needed
  • Chronic Hepatitis B
    • Incurable
    • Treatable with medication
    • Liver transplant

How Common is Hepatitis B?

  • Estimated 73,000 new HBV infections each year in the U.S.
  • 1.25 Million people currently have chronic HBV